Change an organization’s values and culture! Participants face the challenges and dilemmas of building a culture of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, in an organization with a poor track record. Participants will be moving through subjects of identity, bias, anti-oppression and will apply an emotional intelligent approach to building culture of Diversity and Inclusion. Real people across the diversity spectrum will offer their help in building safe spaces for all. We offer this in E.I. Games. Wells College celebrated the grand opening of its new center for multiculturalism with an uplifting event on Friday, Feb. 28, 2020 that was attended by dozens of students, staff and faculty. The Hallway for Cultural Humility will serve as a comfortable, flexible space for students to collaborate socially, academically and culturally—a home base for students to host workshops, lectures, discussions, meals and other activities. In other words, as André Lynch noted in his remarks, it will be a “space where students are encouraged to be their authentic selves, while navigating the sometimes-muddy waters of academe.” We appauld this and provide this with our games at E.I. Games building self awareness, empathy and understanding for everyone! For More Information: #seriousgames, #emotionalintelligence, #elearning, #gamification, #college, #university,
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